
About Courtney

Hi! I’m

Courtney Lancaster

an Integrative Health Practitioner certified at the highest level, and I help provide proven solutions for you to rebalance your body at a root casual level allowing you to flourish in all aspects of your life.

About Me

I have been thinking a lot about why we follow other people in our lives and on social media.  We follow other people because we find them inspiring or they are good at something we strive for.  None of us have it all together in every area of our life. Everyone has a life that is full and abundant with tasks and to-dos.  We don’t have the capacity to be an expert or good at everything all the time.  That is why we look to other people to compliment the areas we might lack or follow along because they are ahead of where we currently are.

If you tell yourself that you are still becoming who you are meant to be, it releases the pressure valve of expectation.  When you work towards your goals and your dreams remember that you are always still becoming. Who you are meant to be isn’t a destination it is a process. Feeling frustrated because you are not where you want to be is a part of the process.  You cannot compare your day one to someone else’s day thirty or year three. 

Courtney Lancaster - Health Coach
Courtney Lancaster

I am still becoming. I have worked towards my goal of being an Integrative Health Practitioner for a decade in various of capacities. It was only through my personal health struggles that I carved out my path to learn and absorb information that would help me. Over the course of my life, I have dealt with digestion issues, kidney stones, thyroid concerns, stress, anxiety and the list goes on. Many people chalk these issues up to being human. These are all common things to contend with but just because it is common does not make it normal.

What I know for sure, is that our bodies are resilient.  Our symptoms are our bodies way of communicating to us what is going on in the inside.  My digestive issues began at my 25.5-week premature birth.  My body was not properly developed.  I was pumped full of antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs that wreaked havoc on my developing microbiome.  Even though they saved my life, I have been on a lifelong journey to rebalance my body and now I have the tools in my toolbox.  I want to help you gain knowledge and guide you through the necessary changes in your life.  You are not your “dis-ease”. 

My path has been a long one, now that I know the way, I can help you on yours.  When we know better we do better.  I want to help you become who you were destined to be.

How Can I Help You?

We will go at your pace.  I am not here to overhaul your life unless, you want me to.  Let’s find out why you are experiencing symptoms through at-home functional medicine lab testing.  Third party lab testing will help us locate those underlying issues by identifying deficiencies, recognizing imbalanced bacteria and yeast, and so much more.  The greatest perk about these labs, is they are mailed directly to you and you can complete them in the comfort of your own home.  No specialists, no schlepping and no time away from your life to have actionable data at your fingertips.

In addition to being an Integrative Health Practitioner, I graduated from a prestigious culinary school. So, if you need help in the kitchen, meal planning or organizing your pantry I am here to support you.

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If you have never thought of a wellness team before, click below.

Listen to this short podcast on how to create your wellness team.

I want to meet you precisely where you are and help you rise to greet your highest self.

Together we can:

  • Decrease your stress

  • Normalize your hormones

  • Clear up your skin

  • Increase your energy

  • Balance your gut

This will all lead you to a clearer mind and body.

I can be the help you need. I will support and provide you with personalized, focused attention. I want to see you thrive and become who you are meant to be!

My Specialties

Hand holding a compass

Virtual Private Consultations 

Our health coaching consultations will be conducted by video conferencing.

Functional Medicine Lab Report

Health Education on Functional Medicine Labs 

Labs are completed in the comfort of your own home. No appointments, no specialists, no schlepping, no time away from your life.  

Non-Toxic Beauty

Customized Experience

You will receive a customized experience and education on supplements, essential oils, non-toxic beauty care, and so much more.

I will draw upon a depth and breadth of knowledge to support you in your journey. From a culinary school background to tips on bringing more organization into your life, each consultation will be tailored to your needs.

Getting started is easy. Review my packages and set up a complimentary discovery call before purchasing. I want to ensure we will have a meaningful coaching & client relationship.